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The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 127: February 14: It's the Thought that Counts

> February 14th...Today is Valentine's Day. You received 1 text message...

> You decided to spend the afternoon with Rise.

-Heartbeat, Heartbreak-

Things were tough yesterday. I never thought I'd get zapped by lightning in real life...Thanks to that shock, or whatever...I totally forgot what today was.
It's February 14th, you know. I didn't have much time to prepare myself for this, so I've been nervous all morning.
Ughhhh...Someone help me do something about all this pressure!
Calm down.
Y-You're right. I shouldn't give up until the bitter end...
Wait, but isn't this something I can't change on my own!?
If I end up just getting "friend" chocolates, and those only from Teddie...I'll never live it down.

-Youthful Lunch-

-Like A Dream Come True-

Restless male student: Well...What should I do now? I'm going to hang out here for a bit longer, but I don't know what to do...
Nervous male student: ...Not like there's anything for me to do at home, anyway...I got it! I'll go up to the roof or something.
Desperate male student: I'm going to be behind the school building. You know, just because.

If they want candy so much, why don't they just buy some themselves!?
Are you serious? This is the one day you shouldn't be buying chocolate for yourself.
Man, you're clueless...Whatever. I know I'm getting some for sure today.
From who?
...Part-time workers at Junes.
The important thing is that I have any at all! Right, Chie-san!? Yukiko-san!? I see you've got some big bags with you today...
Wow, that's not the sound of desperation or anything...
Yeah, I do have some...Right, Yukiko?
Oh sweet. I like candy.
What makes you think it's going to YOU!? It might be for ME!
Don't be so desperate! And I brought some, too!

Here you go, Chie-senpai, for always being so hardworking.
Wh-Why me!?
Because today's for giving out chocolate to the people you like, right? It's a great day to say "Thank you" to all those people in your life! Not just your romantic partner!
Wow...Putting a new spin on things!
She's so thoughtful...Must be all those years in showbiz!

> Rise hands out chocolate to each person...But there doesn't seem to be any left for you.

Hey, what about him?
I'll give him his chocolate later! I've got some stuff to take care of right now, but I'll call you soon.
Does that mean...?
I feel like everyone's super-curious about who I'm going to hand my special chocolate to. If I do it now, it'll be embarrassing.
So...see you later.

> Rise gives you a meaningful look...You must go see Rise later...

Well, I have some other people to give chocolate to. Bye!

Hi Naoto!
What are you all doing together?
What's that supposed to mean? Today's a huge deal!
Ah. I see. Well, if you'll excuse me.
Bye Naoto!

Uh, well, Kanji...Guess we're spending time with EACH OTHER today!
Sure, why not?
I totally feel like we missed the train here...

I have chocolates here with everyone's names on them! Please take your candy and go home!
Well, I've got to go back to the inn and help out. Good luck, Chie!

I-I'm going to go make sure she's okay.
Oh, this has chocolate for everyone in it. Take yours and go home!

What, you don't want yours? I'll take it.
Gah! You moron! Of course I want it!

> You must go see the people who want to talk to you...

-Like A Dream Come True-

> You came to the shore with Rise...The cool breeze feels nice...

Here, this is for you. Sorry to keep you waiting!

> The package Rise hands you looks beautiful, but it's giving off an odor that is anything but pleasant...You feel an impending sense of doom...

I knew you'd notice how special it is! I added durian and habanero to it! Anyone can just melt some chocolate and pour it into a mold. Where's the love in that? So I added a bit of originality. I'm certain you'll like it!
...What's the matter?
It's too pretty to eat.
Ohhh. Eat it now. I worked so hard on it. I want to see your happy face.
Aren't you glad, Senpai?
Of course I'm glad.
Ugh...Fine, then. I forgive you. But you'll have to tell me what you think later!

> You put the chocolate away. Luckily, the smell fades when you close the box...

It's like we're all alone in the world...I'm going to tell you my dreams. I haven't told anyone else. I want to work and go to college. I think I could study lots of things.
And, during all that, I want to have a serious relationship with a man I love, and get married on a tropical island! And live in a house with a big yard, and get a big dog...I'll cook, and live happily with my husband. And then, when we're old, we're going to drink tea every day by the garden, together.

> Rise is a little embarrassed as she smiles...

Just kidding. I'm such a weirdo.
Your dream is actually pretty normal.
It's good to be normal. And I'm sure I'd be really really happy with "him."
Senpai...By "a man I love," I meant you. Right now, it's just a dream...But it's important to me. So, I want to make all my dreams come true, one by one...with you at my side.
Let's do it together.
Whoa! You can't take that back!

-Girl of the Hollow Forest-

Did you know, Senpai? People were born from the sea. I feel like we're Adam and Eve right now, just the two of us here. Eve was Adam's wife...So...That means Adam gets to have Eve all to himself...

> You spent a long time with Rise...

-New Days-

> Dojima residence, front door...

What are you doing here?
Waiting for you. Today...I can't have The Nose or Margaret in the way. Don't worry. I got permission.
I have chocolate...You can have it.

> It smells...More importantly, it's moving!

That room doesn't have any eclectic loutwits. I did the best I could, but I don't know if it turned out any good.
Don't apologize.
I'm not apologizing!
I mean, I just said I was sorry, but...That was...Shut up! Never mind!
You can eat it. If you don't hurry, it'll melt...If it melts, it'll run away.

> You have a feeling of danger...But you've already accepted her gift...

When you eat it, um...I want you to tell me whether it was good or not. Now.

> ...You seem to have no choice but to eat it...Despite the smell, it tastes quite normal...No, this is...! You can't stop eating it...!

...You ate it all? That's incredible. Are you stupid?
Well...It makes my work worth it.

> You have the unsettling feeling that something is moving within your stomach...

Valentine's Day isn't an actual ritual, huh...I looked it up. I thought it was some big event...You know, a turning point of your life.
...I'm so lame. I was fooled. I feel stupid.
...But i-it's not like that! I-I didn't make that chocolate just because I thought it was something I was supposed to--
No! That makes it sound like I'm serious! Er, well, I AM serious, but...!
And, and, and, you can just shut your stupid jerk face!
I know.
I'm telling the truth! Look...Just, close your eyes.
Shut up and close them!
...Thank you. Well...I don't really get it, but...I won't forget about you. Ever...

> You spent some time with Marie...

-Like A Dream Come True-

> Dojima Residence, Living Room...It seems Dojima is away on business and can't come home...

Nope. What day is it?
It's Valentine's Day! I guess there are some things even you don't know.
This is my favorite chocolate!

> Nanako gives you some chocolate that is very popular with children.

Thank you.
It's sweet and yummy!

Valentine's Day isn't just a day to give out chocolate, it's a day to say "thank you" to the people you care about.
Teacher gave us all chocolate! Everybody! Even me! And when she gave it to me, she said, "It's been tough for you, but you've done very well." Everyone tells me I'm strong for pulling through. That's why I said, "Thank you!" back! And I said that my big bro and my dad are rooting for me, and that's why I can be happy again.
I'm proud of you.
Heeheehee...Really?...And then my teacher was so happy! And then she said, "When someone's cheering you on, even when you're in trouble, you feel energized."
Do you feel like that when I cheer you on?
Me too! When you root for me, I get so happy! We're the same!
Me, my dad, and your friends are all on your side!...Even if you go back soon, I hope you're happy.
I had one more chocolate! I made it myself!

> By some miracle, it has no smell at all...

The big girls taught me how to make homemade chocolate creations! That's why I made one for you!

> Just who taught her how to cook? Your instincts, honed after a year of battle, are ringing warning bells in your mind...

Chie said that I should mix in iced coffee to add flavor. Oh, and bacon, since everyone likes bacon.
Luckily, there was some bacon and iced coffee in the fridge!
Rise-chan said that the chocolate should "assert itself," so it needs to be either really sweet or really spicy.
You're a grown-up, big bro, so I thought you'd appreciate a bitter taste. So I put bell peppers and wheatgrass juice in it! I think that "sour chocolate" sounds really assertive, so I added vinegar and ponzu sauce, too!
Yukiko said that my chocolate would have "depth" if I added fish.
So I added some fish sausage and some of Dad's fermented squid!
And Naoto told me she'd let me borrow a recipe book...
...and when I told her I was already done, she told me that you'd enjoy anything that I made for you!

> Nanako looks at you expectantly...

Um...Big bro, thank you...I love you!

> ...You HAVE no options!

> It's...!

What's wrong, big bro!?

> You can hear Nanako's voice from far away...